Art Osaka 2024

Mori Koichi+Mashimo Takehisa

Thursday, July 18 - Monday, July 22, 2024

We are pleased to announce to join the Art Osaka2024.

We will exhibit Mori Koichi+ Mashimo Tkakeshisa at Expanded Section.

MORI Koichi and MASHIMO Takeshisa have been creating experiential and interactive artworks. These artworks incorporate human bodily activities such as breathing and brain waves to influence the artwork, which in turn affects humans.
In their works exhibited at Art Osaka, human breathing is converted into light, which leads to the photosynthesis in plants. The changes in CO2 concentration due to the photosynthesis and other factors are converted into sound. Breathing, the act of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, is essential for human survival. However, oxygen did not exist on Earth at one time. Plant photosynthesis produced oxygen, and because of this, animals, including humans, were able to thrive.
By converting the human life process of breathing into light, the artwork signifies the potential for humans to engage with the life process of plants, photosynthesis. The manifestations of sound and light guided by “breathing” and “photosynthesis” synchronize the “rhythm of life” between humans and plants, creating a new relationship where both permeate and influence each other.


Art Osaka

Expanded Section

Date and Time

Thursday, July 18:14:00-19:00、

Friday, July 19-Sunday, July 21:11:00-19:00

Monday, July 22:11:00-17:00


Expanded Section

Creative Center OSAKA

4-1-55 Kitakagaya Suminoe-ku Osaka 559-0011 JAPAN

Gallery Section

(Medium-size Assembly Hall / Small Assembly Hall / Special Hall)

1-1-27 Nakanoshima Kita-ku Osaka 530-0005 JAPAN


ART OSAKA tickets(Admission to all 3 venues)

Online Tickets: ¥3,000

Same-day payments: ¥3,500

On sale web


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