July 4 – 15, 2017
12:00-19:00/Tue-Fri 12:00-17:00/Sat
Closed on Sun and Mon

Fujiyasu photographed every part of his and his twin brother’s body for his first work, DZ Dizygotic Twins. For 34, he photographed his father in the same manner, with “time” as akeyword, and in another series, empathize, he photographed other sets of twins individually intheir rooms or places of personal importance.
Through all of these works, he has explored the theme of interpersonal relationships. When showing the empathize series thus far, exhibiting each twin’s portrait framed separately has conveyed a strong sense of personal identity through sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious differences in the living environments and personalities of the subjects.
In this show, Fujiyasu takes a new approach to rendering visible the “relationality with twins as axis” he has dealt with in his photography thus far. We are sure you will enjoy this novel development of the empathize series.
1981 Born in Tokyo.
2005 Graduated from the economics department at Doshisha University.
2007 Completed a course at Shashin Hyogen Daigaku (School of Photographic Expression).
Currently living in Osaka.
Selected exhibition
2016 “I Only Have Eyes For You”, NAKANOSHIMA BANKS de sign de >, Osaka
2106 “Satelite824”, gallery make, Kyoto
2015 “the Grand Prize Winners of ShaShin Book Award in Paris”, tokyoarts gallery, Tokyo
2015 “Portraits”, The Third Gallery Aya, Osaka
2015 “timelake”, KUNST ARZT / SHIN-PUH-KAN, Kyoto
2015 “record vol.14 ”, in)(between gallery, Paris
2014 “empathize”, The Third Gallery Aya, Osaka