MOTONAGA Sadamasa, Shashin/Photograph
Saturday, May 20, 2023 – Saturday, June 17, 2023
12:00–19:00(Wednesday – Friday), 12:00–17:00(Saturday)
By Appointment only on Tuesday

An active member of the Gutai group, Motonaga Sadamasa has recently been featured in exhibitions in various locations, including a show marking the 100th anniversary of his birth at the Mie Prefectural Art Museum and the large-scale Gutai retrospectives held concurrently at the Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka and the National Museum of Art, Osaka.
Motonaga created diverse works in many different media, including photography. The Third Gallery Aya is pleased to present photographic works which he first released in 1993.
Thirty years ago, the art world was just beginning to treat photography as “art” rather than merely as a medium for documentation. Motonaga Sadamasa both keenly felt and gracefully transcended the hierarchies of the art world, and had a fascination with photography. We are sure you will enjoy the photographic works that were part of his wide-ranging practice.